Removing Console Cache Multiple Users

We have a console server that 20+ people use and we have noticed that the console cache is taking up a considerable amount of drive space. I would like to cleanup or remove any stale cache folders that have not been used in over 30 days. HCL does not have a tool that would remove multiple cache files and the fixlet below does not seem to work. Has anyone else found a solution for this?

which part isn’t working? It looks OK to me.

@jgstew created this one.

When I run the fixlet it will remove one of the old cache files and go to a completed status. We have tried modifying the success clause to include "exists (now - it) whose(it > 15*day) of modification times of folders of folders “AppData\Local\BigFix\Enterprise Console” of folders of folders “C:\Users” but I get the same results.

As it says in the script

// This will delete only 1 old folder even though there could be many. It is designed to run over and over until all folders have been deleted.

Set your action to reapply while relevant and it will just keep going, removing one at a time until it is complete