Remove Duplicated computers


There are two tools for removing duplicated computers. Which one is better?

It should remove computer by the ip address, but how to handle with ?

BESDuplicateRemoval.exe and BESAdmin.exe

Does someone has command with the parameter for the log?

I’d be careful about removing by duplicate IP address. The IP address is the value reported by the client, and IP addresses are not unique.

For example, you could easily have a lot of work-at-home users who all have an IP address like , if that’s the default IP on their home wifi network.

Better to count duplicates by computer name, serial number, or (in some cases) MAC address (but even MAC address can be duplicated, if you include virtual VPN adapters)

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Hi Jason,

We only have servers but don’t have clients. So the Ip address should be unique. Few have the same ip address, but they can be removed. Additional there are in our network computers with the same hostname but different ip address. So the solution with the ip adddress or serial number would solve this.

But which tool is better and how to configure it with a log file? Is there an example for the ip address and serial number?


. /opt/BESServer/bin/ -removecomputers -run -deleteDuplicatedComputers > removed.out

We had this command onced and it works for the computer name. We need to change it for the Ip address.

There is only one line in the removed.out. Better is to know which computers were removed.


Check the logs from the BESAdmin tool itself.

By default at /var/log/BESAdminDebugOut.txt

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