Removal of the BigFix Plugin Portal causes the root server to enter a retry notifcation loop

I’m currently facing an issue with the AWSAssetDiscovery Plugin, while troubleshooting it, I decided to perform a re-installation. First, I uninstalled the AWS Plugin and later on the BigFix Plugin Portal from the server that we have specifically for these components. Right away after removing the Plugin Portal I started seeing this entry in the BESRelay.log of our root server:

Thu, 22 Aug 2024 10:25:23 -0400 - RelayNotifier8 (5432) - Error running task RelayNotifier8: HTTP Error 7: Couldn't connect to server: Failed to connect to ip_of_the_plugin_server port 52311 after 10007 ms: Couldn't connect to server

And it kept retrying the same process every 10 seconds. Apparently, once it was not able to send notifications it retried multiple times. At first, I didn’t see any other impact but when I tried sending some patching actions I realized that the relays stopped receiving notifications from the root server(This was fully working previously) and nothing was going down the clients.
I made sure the UDP/TCP communication was enabled and that the network rules were not recently changed. Everything looked normal, except that I kept getting that entry in the BESRelay.log.

Since we were having some production deployments this afternoon, my idea was to reinstall the BES Plugin Portal service on the same service so the Root Server could send those notifications again… and BOOM that Worked, the UDP notification started working again and all our actions that were in a Not Reported state changed right away.

What I am thinking here is that there is not a mechanism that let the Root server know that the component has been removed and that it should no longer try to send notifications, even more, if the notification fails for this component the root server should not hold the notification for the rest of the Relays(I think the Plugin Portal Service is treated as an additional relay).

We have a support ticket with HCL and currently working with them but I wanted to share this here just in case someone else faces the same issue or situation.

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After you removed the Cloud Plugins and Portal Plugin from that server , make sure the Send Full Refresh

On the WebUI > Plugin Management - Do you still the Portal Plugin Server?
If you run BESRemove Tool on the Portal Plugin server , does it recognize something about the Plugin Portal?