Remote control server setup - add ldap user groups and users - how to

I have logged into the admin page of the server and can add ldap directory and can search on ldap user groups and users with no problem. I go to the create user groups page and see a message at the top - that is showing i have configured ldap and sync and all created information fields will be lost during next sync. So how do i setup user groups and users from the ldap . I am reading the admin guide and i cannot find this information. Any help or pointer to doc that shows this?

Hi jwgibson949,

Once the LDAP sync is active you can only use the LDAP tools to create groups or assign users to them. Read the first note here. Once you created them in the LDAP server they will be automatically fetched on the next sync.

Note that the user and group created from the Remote Control server will be deleted except admin and DefaultGroup of course.

I hope this will help

Thanks Federico and I was able to resolve the problem with those details.

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