Relevant Fixlet Analysis

I am attempting to create an analysis that displays the number of relevant fixlets from the “Patches for Windows” site that are Critical or Important, more than 30 days old, and the visibility is not hidden. The first part is easy. I have found relevance for the date part. I cannot find a way to include to not hidden part. Is this possible? Thanks.

I used the inspector search to search for “visible” and found some that might help:

I think you probably want visible flag of it to be True.

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Thanks. I tried the following relevance and was unsuccessful.

number of relevant fixlets whose (value of globally visible flag of it is True) of site “

Ahh, I’m sorry. I thought this was session relevance for the console or web reports. The relevance that you’re using is being run on the client. The client doesn’t know what fixlets are hidden, because that’s something that only the console and web reports knows about.

That means it’s not possible for the client to count what fixlets are relevant and are not hidden.

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