Relevance to return analysis for a particular computer id

I’m running the following relevance via API to return the Network Information for all Windows servers. What I’d like to do is modify the relevance so I can collect info for a particular Computer via its ID, but the relevance escapes me! Can somebody please help…

((values of it,id of computer of it) of results of it, names of it) of properties of bes analysis whose (name of it is “Network Information (Windows)”)

thanks in advance

Hi @mcuff, here’s one possible option you can work with:

((values of it, id of computer of it) of results whose (id of computer of it = <Enter ID>) of it, names of it) of properties of bes analysis whose (name of it is "Network Information (Windows)")


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Here’s another approach:

(values of it, names of property of it) of results whose (id of computer of it is <<ID>>) of properties of bes analysis whose (name of it is "Network Information (Windows)")

Thanks both for the quick responses, very much appreciated, got me back on track.
