Relevance to get the relevanant fixltes from a particular site on a particular host

Hi Team,

i need a relevance which will determine the names of fixlets which are relevant on a particular machine from a particular site.

(names of it) of bes fixlets whose (name of custom site of it = "**CIS_checklist_window**s")

i need to incorporate a hostname in it so that the count is less and processing is easy

Any help on this would be appreciated.

Do you must have it as a Session Relevance?
It can be done with Standard Web Reports

@orbiton ,

I have to do it via an API only , so i am looking for a session relevance only.

Great !
Can you please provide an example , how you want the results to be returned?


i need only the relevant fixlet applicable on this machine in the below format

Try this:

(names of computers of it, names of fixlets of it) of results ((bes computers whose (name of it = "MyMachineName")) , ((bes fixlets) whose (name of site of it as string as lowercase = "MySiteName" as lowercase)))

@vk.khurava , it is giving all the fixlets in the site… I need only the relevant fixlets.

Here we go:

(names of computers of it, names of fixlets of it) of results ((bes computers whose (name of it = "MyMachineName")) , ((bes fixlets) whose (applicable computer count of it > 0 AND (name of site of it as string as lowercase = "MySiteName" as lowercase))))

If you have analysis or groups in the site, you may also want to exclude those too.

(names of computers of it, names of fixlets of it) of results ((bes computers whose (name of it = "MyMachineName")) , ((bes fixlets) whose (applicable computer count of it > 0 AND (name of site of it as string as lowercase = "MySiteName" as lowercase) and (fixlet flag of it))))

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@SLB ,

This is not solving the purpose, it is giving me the not relevant fixlets as well.

only the custom fixlets should be in the result tag . Rest all checks are for windows.

This is solving the purpose.

(names of computers of it, names of fixlets of it, relevant flag of it) of (results (bes computers whose (name of it as lowercase = "server" as lowercase) , (bes fixlets) whose (name of custom site of it as string as lowercase = "CIS_checklist_windows" as lowercase))) whose (relevant flag of it)

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