i’m looking for a relevance to detect if there is more than one user currently logged on to device. i know how to detect if there is a current logged on user but i want to make the package not relevant if logged on users is more than one. Any ideas? would be greatly appreciated.
The “User Name” property already does this.
i need a relevance statement that makes the bigfix package NOT RELEVANT if multiple users detected…
currently i use the relevance statement
(exists ((values “USERNAME” of it)) of keys of keys of keys “HKEY_USERS” of (if x64 of operating system then (x32 registry ; x64 registry) else registry))
to ensure that a user is currently logged on to be relevant, but i need to add to it and limit it to only one current user logged on…
You would use a variant of this…
number of logged on users
So I would use this…
if (number of logged on users > 1) then False else True
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ah yes thats perfect, thank you