Relevance to CIS Checklist for Oracle Database 11_11g R2 on Windows

(imported topic written by Bruce McClung)

I have many Windows servers that have Oracle 11G running on them. I connected to the external site: CIS Checklist for Oracle Database 11_11g R2 on Windows. I don’t have any servers that become relevant. I think I have traced to the problem to the following part of the relevance check:

(exist matches (regex ("^[a-zA-Z0-9()[:space:]](2003|2008)[a-zA-Z0-9()[:space:]]$")) of (it as string) of it) of keys “SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion” of keys “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE” of (if x64 of operating system then (x32 registry; x64 registry) else x32 registry)

What does this mean? Is there a way to get my servers to become relevant?


(imported comment written by BrianPGreen)

I think it’s checking for a key in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion that matches the regex:


The other part of the relevance expression is trying to figure out if it needs to look in the WOW6432 part of the registry or not. What’s in that key?