Relevance to check specific MS Store app

The below relevance shows all the app name and version on Win32_InstalledStoreProgram

string values of selects "name, version from Win32_InstalledStoreProgram" of wmi

How do you make it check the version of a specific store app only?

You could add filters directly in the WMI query (noting that the operation LIKE "something%" needs to use singlequotes and escape the percent symbol as %25

q: string values of selects "name, version from Win32_InstalledStoreProgram WHERE name like 'Microsoft.VCLibs%25'" of wmi
A: Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00
A: 14.0.32530.0
A: Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00
A: 14.0.32530.0
A: Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00.UWPDesktop
A: 14.0.32530.0
A: Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00.UWPDesktop
A: 14.0.32530.0

Or you could use ‘select objects’ and then a whose() filter

q: (string values of properties "name" of it, string values of properties "version" of it) whose (item 0 of it starts with "Microsoft.Xbox")  of select objects "name, version from Win32_InstalledStoreProgram" of wmi
A: Microsoft.XboxGameCallableUI, 1000.22621.1.0
A: Microsoft.XboxSpeechToTextOverlay, 1.21.13002.0
A: Microsoft.XboxGameOverlay, 1.54.4001.0

Thanks for the quick response @JasonWalker

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