Relevance to Check if Specific KB is Installed or not


I have below relevance which will tell if KB is installed or not

exists (string values of properties “HotFixID” of it) whose (it = “KB4987646”) of select objects “HotFixID from Win32_QuickFixEngineering” of wmis

But, I have requirement if KB4987646 is applicable to windows 2008 Server then it should provide output as True (Installed) or False (Not Installed) for Windows 2008 and for remaining Windows OS it should says Not Applicable.
Can anyone please help with the syntax

if (name of it != "Win2008") of operating system then "Not Applicable" else (exists (string values of properties "HotFixID" of it) whose (it = "KB4987646") of select objects "HotFixID from Win32_QuickFixEngineering" of wmis) as string

You have to be sure that both routes through the ‘if’ statement return the same type - in this case a singular string.

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Normally we’d just check whether the Fixlets is relevant? Is there a Fixlets for this one?

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Yes MS Patch are relevant to Specific OS.
Basically User want to check if KB are installed or not for their historical audit - specific OS and for other OS mark them Not Applicable.

Thanks, Let me try the above and update you shortly!!

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