Relevance to check File system space


I am trying to write a relevance to check free space of file system

(free space of filesystem “/opt/apps/HWA/WA” > 10737418240 or free space of filesystem “/opt/apps/HWA/WA” = 10737418240)

but I have observed that it is checking space for “/opt” only not for “/opt/apps/HWA/WA”, Kindly look into it and help me in this regards.

what results do you get for these queries?

free space of filesystem "/opt/apps/HWA/WA"

free space of filesystem "/opt"

names of filesystems

If /opt/apps/HWA/WA is not a filesystem, but just a directory on the ‘/opt’ filesystem, then this is expected behavior. If this is a mount to some NFS or other remote path I’m not sure the expected behavior.

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Thanks, it worked for me