Relevance substitution failed

(imported topic written by TJessee)

I have written a fixlet to do a file search and append it to a file. It works on some endpoints, and others it return the following error

Command failed (Relevance substitution failed ) appendfile {concatenation “%0d%0a” of (it as string) of (pathname of it & " (" & (size of it / 1000) as string & " KB)") of descendants whose (name of it contains “.bat”) of folder “c:”}

Here is a short list of the fixlet, with the DIR .bat the only one that fails occasionally.

appendfile ******************************
appendfile ********** DIR .BAT **********
appendfile ******************************
appendfile {concatenation “%0d%0a” of (it as string) of (pathname of it & " (" & (size of it / 1000) as string & " KB)") of descendants whose (name of it contains “.bat”) of folder “c:”}

appendfile ******************************
appendfile ********** DIR TEMP **********
appendfile ******************************
appendfile {concatenation “%0d%0a” of (it as string) of (pathname of it & " (" & (size of it / 1000) as string & " KB)") of descendants of folder “temp” of windows folder}

appendfile **********************************
appendfile ********** DIR System32 **********
appendfile **********************************
appendfile {concatenation “%0d%0a” of (it as string) of (pathname of it & " (" & (size of it / 1000) as string & " KB)") of descendants of system folder}

If this is a case where it runs into an error, how do I get it to continue and just put a blurb that says, could not find or something like that.



(imported comment written by martinc)

Testing this out on my system, I would get this error only when I changed the “of folder “c:”” to point to a directory that did not exist. One thing I am wondering about is what the agent is using as the working directory. I am wondering if a change of the “c:” to “c:” might help.

Another way might be to first output the files you are looking for to a file and then read from that file. Something like this:

waithidden cmd.exe /c dir /b /s c:*.bat > c:\temp\files.log

waithidden cmd.exe /c dir /b /s {windows folder}\temp >> c:\temp\files.log

waithidden cmd.exe /c dir /b /s {system folder} >> c:\temp\files.log

delete __appendfile

appendfile {(pathname of it & " (" & (size of it/1024) as string & " KB)%0d%0a") of files (it of lines of file “c:\temp\files.log”)}

delete c:\temp\appendfile.txt

copy __appendfile c:\temp\appendfile.txt


If you want you could add some error checking to make sure there is something in the files.log file.

(imported comment written by GarrethJeremiah)

to write relevance that protects against non-existant operations there are a few options you can try.

  1. pluralize - e.g. files of folders instead of file of folder

  2. pre check - e.g. use an if then else <…>

  3. use error/alternation: e.g. size of file “xxx” of folder “c:” | 0

and probably a few others (relevance guards…still an if statement though)