Relevance results limitation

I have tried the following queries

(service name of it & " (" & state of it & ") | " & image path of it) of services whose (exists display name of it AND (length of (display name of it as string)) > 0 AND (number of substrings " " of (display name of it as string) < (length of (display name of it as string))) AND exists service name of it AND (length of (service name of it as string)) > 0 AND (number of substrings " " of (service name of it as string) < (length of (service name of it as string))) AND exists state of it)


( display name of it | “n/a”,
state of it | “n/a”,
image path of it | “n/a”)

of services

Both methods pull statements for services accurately unless the image path for the service is what appears to be too long for BigFix to provide results for. BigFix Query will at least show me the results up to 1024 but the BF thick console only shows me …

Any recommendations?

Appears to just be a display limitation of the console. I’d expect you could retrieve the actual result via the API.

For display in the Console, perhaps try

first 1023 of (service name of it & " (" & state of it & ") | " & image path of it) of services