Relevance query to get ONLY reporting servers


In our BF console, there are 2 VM’s with the same name and VMUUID. I am using the following relevance query to retrieve the name and id from VMUUID -

“(id of it, name of it) of bes computers whose (value of result from (bes property %22Virtual Machine UUID%22) of it = (%22$vmuuid%22))”

But this gives me 2 responses, one of which is not reporting and the other one is reporting, so is there any way to modify the above query to get only the reporting VM?


@jgstew @JasonWalker

Any idea/input would be great help…

Manish Singh

I haven’t tested this, but see if something like the following works for you:

(id of it, name of it) of bes computers whose (last report time of it = (maximum of ((last report time of it) of bes computers whose (value of result from (bes property "Virtual Machine UUID") of it = ("vmuuid")))))