Relevance Query to find Endpoints that have an <error> status on Action

(imported topic written by nrisch)

Hi -

I’m trying to setup relevancy on a task/fixlet that I can use to take corrective action on endpoints that fall into an status on a particular Action (ID=9599). So far I’m able to get a list of the status of all computers for the action, but I need to further filter it to see only the statuses that are = . The query that I have thus far is:

(statuses of it, names of computers of it ) of results of (bes action whose (id of it is 9599))

and a subset of the results of the query are:


Fixed, G1BBROWNELL6410

Fixed, G1ALOANHV2D630


Fixed, G1ABADGEO520


Pending Downloads, H1DMAGAZZINO02

How do I modify the query to only show the endpoints in ? Any help would be appreciated.


Nancy Risch

(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

The statement is as follows:

(statuses of it, names of computers of it ) of results whose (status of it = bes action status error) of (bes action whose (id of it is 9599))

The other valid BES Action Statuses are:

bes action status constrained: bes action status

bes action status download failed: bes action status

bes action status error: bes action status

bes action status evaluating: bes action status

bes action status expired: bes action status

bes action status failed: bes action status

bes action status fixed: bes action status

bes action status invalid signature: bes action status

bes action status irrelevant: bes action status

bes action status locked: bes action status

bes action status offers disabled: bes action status

bes action status pending downloads: bes action status

bes action status pending login: bes action status

bes action status pending message: bes action status

bes action status pending offer: bes action status

bes action status pending restart: bes action status

bes action status postponed: bes action status

bes action status running: bes action status

bes action status unreported: bes action status

bes action status user cancelled: bes action status

bes action status waiting: bes action status

Lee Wei