Relevance query to find computerID by computerName


I need to find the BigFix computer ID based on the computer Name.
Here is the relevance query I use to achieve that:

(ids of it) of bes computers whose (name of it as string as uppercase starts with “COMPUTERNAME”)

I call this relevance query using the BigFix API /api/query?relevance=…

For most of the computers, it works fine, while for some I receive a 404 error.
I checked that those computers are available in the BigFix console.

Any idea about what could cause this issue?


Do you have any example computer names that fail?

If the computer doesnt exist it shouldnt 404, it should return:

<BESAPI xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="BESAPI.xsd">
 <Query Resource="(ids of it) of bes computers whose (name of it as string as uppercase starts with "not exists")">

Im wondering a character in the computer name may be causing an issue with your query string


Apparently, it seems to be due to some network/infrastructure issues, and not the relevance query.

Thanks btw.