I’ve have some relevance code that I use in several reports to fetch all the Users of bes computers.
(name of it, concatenation " <br>" of values of results from (bes property "User Name") of it as string) of bes computers
So far doing this has worked great and was really fast.
The problem is that at some point someone added a Site to the server that contained a property with an identical name. Since that Site has a numerically smaller Site ID than “ActionSite”, the other “User Name” Property appears first in the list of bes properties. The inspector “bes property < string >” only fetches the first property that matches the given string, so it can no longer be used to get the information I need.
I created the following query to try and replace the above query…
(name of it, concatenation " <br>" of values of results (bes properties whose (name of it = "User Name" and (item 0 of id of it) = 2299708709), it) ) of bes computers
This returned the correct information, but the run time was unacceptably slow. This went from a query that took less than a second to run, to a query that took over 1 minute.
Can someone help me find a solution to this that will give me the results I want at an acceptable speed?