I created an analysis that pulls the current version of a Nutanix. I couldn’t get relevance to do this so I had to do a fixlet to create a text file and have the analysis pull the string from the text file. I’m now trying to add relevance to another fixlet so if Nutanix driver version is it is not relevant. How do I do that?
This is what I got from ChatGPT but it removed every single server from the list of relevant servers on the fixlet.
not exists property “Nutanix Network Adapter Version” OR (value of property “Nutanix Network Adapter Version” as string as lowercase != “”)
Property results can only be inspected via session relevance so would not be available to use in client relevance at a fixlet level. However you built the property to parse the text file and depending on your file contents, you would need to replicate the detection if any fixlet you create, eg
Q: lines of file "C:\TEMP\MyLocalfile.txt"
T: 0.795 ms
I: plural file line
Q: (line 1 of file "C:\TEMP\MyLocalfile.txt" | "") as version < "" as version
A: True
T: 0.382 ms
I: singular boolean
Fixlet or Task has the same limitations in that you are limited to client relevance and that cannot inspect property results. The “bes property” inspector is session relevance only
I understand, I was just clarifying that it is a task not a fixlet because the fixlet would show that it fails every time.
Your suggestion did work, so thank you for that. I was just trying to keep it from querying the machine if possible. At this point it doesn’t really matter, I would just like to understand how all this works.
What is the “bes property” inspector?
How is this one different?
We have a fixlet that sets this and then a baseline policy runs afterwards because it becomes relevant?
setting “SecurityProfile”=“Advanced” on “{now}” for client
setting “Onboard_Status”=“Ready” on “{now}” for client
setting “Onboard_Mode”=“AUTOMATED” on “{now}” for client
setting “Onboard_Phase”=“Begin” on “{now}” for client
The baseline policy then has this relevance.
(exists setting “Onboard_Phase” whose (exists value of it AND value of it contains “Begin”) of client)
If you used the following actionscript to set some information on a client:
setting “LatestKB”=“KB11111” on “{now}” for client
You can use Client Relevance to query the information for Fixlet / Task etc…
value of setting “LatestKB” of client equals “KB11111”
When you use setting “LatestKB”=“KB11111” on “{now}” for client it write the information on the following location on Windows OS:
If you are using Analysis to query a line in a File
line 1 of file “PATH-TO-FILE”
this information is being written into the BigFix database - and because of that you can get this information as followed:
For Fixlet / Task - use the same relevance statement - line 1 of file "PATH-TO-FILE"
For Web Reports - use session relevance