Relevance not including Vista Machines

(imported topic written by NetWell91)

I have created a Registry task with the Registry Wizard. I have modified it to include Vista computers. When I try to deploy the task there are no Vista computers under the “Applicable Computers” tab of the Master Operator Site. Can anyone help me? Here is the relevance:

(name of operating system = “Win2000” OR name of operating system = “WinXP” OR name of operating system = “Win2003” OR name of operating system = “WinVista”) AND (((not exists key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Qsource Networks” of registry) OR (not exists value “QsourceID” whose (it as string = “1”) of key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Qsource Networks” of registry)))

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

I don’t see a problem with the relevance expression you’ve provided here, it looks like you correctly included Vista computers.

It’s possible the second clause of your expression is just false on all your Vista computers. You might try creating a retrieved property with just the second half of the expression and see if any Vista computers actually report ‘True’ for it.

Try just this part on vista:

(((not exists key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Qsource Networks” of registry) OR (not exists value “QsourceID” whose (it as string = “1”) of key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Qsource Networks” of registry)))

(imported comment written by NetWell91)

I give it a try and tell you how it goes. Thank you.

(imported comment written by NetWell91)

The test relevance is bringing back a True response for the Vista machines.

(imported comment written by jessewk)

This is how we detect Vista:

For Vista-only content:

(name of it = “WinVista” and product type of it = nt workstation product

type) of operating system

For Windows Server 2008 content:

(name of it = “Win2008” or (name of it = “WinVista” and product type of

it != nt workstation product type)) of operating system

For both OSes:

(it = “WinVista” or it = “Win2008”) of name of operating system

For neither OS:

(it != “WinVista” or it != “Win2008”) of name of operating system

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi NetWell,

What if you change the relevance for the Task to just be:

(((not exists key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Qsource Networks” of registry) OR (not exists value “QsourceID” whose (it as string = “1”) of key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Qsource Networks” of registry)))

Does that work on your WinVista?
