Hello and Happy New Year to everyone.
Please I need some assistance with the below. It works with a majority of the endpoints but throws up the ‘Singular expression refers to non-unique object’ message. the issue I am having is that there are 2 files in the folder with names that start the same but then have differing strings further on in the file name. see example file names below. It is the file that has ‘processed’ in the name that I required for my relevance
File 1 > esp_processing_data_230103174300_full.xml.processed_230104124206
File 2 > esp_processing_data_230103174300_full.xml.ignored_230103181448
if exist files whose (name of it starts with “esp_processing_data_”) of folder “C:\postilion\esocket.pos\incoming” AND (name of file whose (name of it starts with “esp_processing_data_”) of folder “C:\postilion\esocket.pos\incoming” does not contain “full.xml.ignored” as string) then (following text of first “=” of preceding text of last " " of (line 13075 of file whose (name of it starts with “esp_processing_data_”) of folder “C:\postilion\esocket.pos\incoming” as string)) else ("")
Any guidance will be most appreciated.
Thank you.