Relevance looking for line in json file

I have a json file which I am trying to use make a system relevant if there is this value in the /opt/msclient/setting.json file - “PullIntervalInMins”: “60”,

I have tried these -
Q: exists lines whose (it contains ““PullIntervalInMins”: “60”,”) of file "/opt/adb-agent/appsettings.json"
E: The operator “pullintervalinmins” is not defined.

Q: exists lines whose (it contains “‘PullIntervalInMins’: “60”,”) of file "/opt/adb-agent/appsettings.json"
E: This expression could not be parsed.

Q: exists lines whose (it contains “‘PullIntervalInMins’: “60”,”) of file "/opt/adb-agent/appsettings.json"
E: This expression could not be parsed.

Q: exists lines whose (it contains “PullIntervalInMins: “60”,”) of file "/opt/adb-agent/appsettings.json"
E: This expression could not be parsed.

Q: exists lines whose (it contains “PullIntervalInMins: 60”) of file "/opt/adb-agent/appsettings.json"
A: False
T: 276

The last one shows false but it should be true so I know that isn’t working either. What do I need to do to overcome the quotes or is there a better method to look for a specific line in a json file. I want to replace it the 60 with 30. This is a Linux server so I was going to just create a one-liner with sed to replace unless there is a better more effective way with BigFix but need to get the relevance working to filter out my endpoints with that value.

You should look into the ‘json key’ and ‘json value’ inspectors at

There are also a couple of working examples in this thread at Json inspector question
One common hangup I see with JSON parsing is when one expects it to behave like Registry inspectors. Bear in mind that we don’t retrieve key "X" of key "Y" of jsons of files "/tmp/test.json" , instead we retrieve key "X" of value of key "Y" of jsons


Ok, so I have this working:
Q: value of key “PullIntervalInMins” of json of file "/opt/adb-agent/appsettings.json"
A: 60
T: 133

For relevance expression it is either true or false. I can’t figure out what else I need to add so the value of key is 60 so my query turns out true.


Q: exists values whose (it as integer = 60) of keys "PullIntervalInMins" of jsons of files "/opt/adb-agent/appsettings.json"

Edit: fixed smart quotes
Edit 2: cast string “60” as integer

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Should be True but showing False -
Q: exists values whose (it as integer = 60) of keys “PullIntervalInMins” of jsons of files “/opt/adb-agent/appsettings.json”
A: False
T: 3270

File -
“LoggingLevel”: “Info”,
“LogPath”: “/var/log/”,
“LogFileName”: “adb-agent.log”,
“PullIntervalInMins”: “60”,
“AppliedPolicyVersion”: “0”,


In building a test for this, I had to remove the trailing comma at the end of the last value (otherwise it’s invalid JSON).

I found that we can’t cast a JSON value to integer directly, we have to first cast it to string. Here is the working query along with how I got there for demonstration.

q: exists values whose (it as integer = 60) of keys "PullIntervalInMins" of jsons of files "c:\temp\test2.json"
A: False
T: 5.219 ms
I: singular boolean

q: jsons of files "c:\temp\test2.json"
A: {"AppliedPolicyVersion":"0","LogFileName":"adb-agent.log","LogPath":"\u002fvar\u002flog\u002f","LoggingLevel":"Info","PullIntervalInMins":"60"}
T: 4.329 ms
I: plural json value

q: keys "PullIntervalInMins" of jsons of files "c:\temp\test2.json"
A: PullIntervalInMins : 60
T: 3.530 ms
I: plural json key

q: values of keys "PullIntervalInMins" of jsons of files "c:\temp\test2.json"
A: 60
T: 2.672 ms
I: plural json value

q: (it as integer) of values of keys "PullIntervalInMins" of jsons of files "c:\temp\test2.json"
E: Singular expression refers to nonexistent object.

q: (it as string as integer) of values of keys "PullIntervalInMins" of jsons of files "c:\temp\test2.json"
A: 60
T: 1.834 ms
I: plural integer

q: exists values whose (it as string as integer = 60) of keys "PullIntervalInMins" of jsons of files "c:\temp\test2.json"
A: True
T: 0.912 ms
I: singular boolean


Jason, thanks for the explanation and working example. This definitely helps to understand how to reach the desired end for future reference.

Appreciate the knowledge!


Could you give @JasonWalker The “Solution” tag on his post, so people know it was solved, and so Jason get’s a little credit for his work with you?

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I think I did that right.