Relevance : Installation Time of Applications


Is there any way to get the installation time of applications by relevance ?
the registry key “InstalledDate” gives only date but not time.

To my knowledge, Windows doesn’t track that.
You might get something useful with the creation time of the programs’ executables.

thanks @JasonWalker

extracting path of executable file from value of UninstallString and getting “creation time of file (it)” provide somethings.

but some entries contain values “msiexec.exe /x****” as UninstallString

for these entries I still need solution

there is “last write time of” registry key but it also changes by modifications not exact creation time.

Yeah, the problem here is that the installation time is not tracked in Windows, so there’s nothing for Bigfix to check.

If you’re looking for this kind of forensics, you should have an audit log management product (I use Splunk, but it’s expensive) and search the audit logs instead.