Relevance help

(imported topic written by jpeppers91)

How do I modify this relevance to make this clause relevant to machines that don’t have “mana”

if exists folder “c:\program files\vpn 3000\profiles” then names whose (it as lowercase not starts with “mana”) of files of folder “c:\program files\vpn 3000\profiles” else if exists folder “c:\program files\Cisco systems\vpn client\profiles” then names whose (it as lowercase starts with “mana”) of files of folder “c:\program files\cisco systems\vpn client\profiles” else error “file not found”

(imported comment written by arnaud91)

Hi jpeppers,

You can try this:

if exists folder “c:\program files\vpn 3000\profiles” then names whose (not (it as lowercase starts with “mana”)) of files of folder “c:\program files\vpn 3000\profiles” else if exists folder “c:\program files\Cisco systems\vpn client\profiles” then names whose (it as lowercase starts with “mana”) of files of folder “c:\program files\cisco systems\vpn client\profiles” else error “file not found”


(imported comment written by jpeppers91)

Thanks that worked. Here is another…

((name of operating system = “WinXP” OR name of operating system = “WinVista”) AND (not exists key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\PC-cillinNTCorp\CurrentVersion\Misc.” of native registry)) or ((exists key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\PC-cillinNTCorp\CurrentVersion\Misc.” whose (exists value “ProgramVer” whose (string “10.0” != it) of it) of native registry)) and not exists file “c:\Program Files\Zone Labs\Integrity Client\iclient.exe”

I’m trying to exclude server versions but the relevance comes back as true.

I want to include all workstations and exclude all servers who have versions less than 10.0 or not installed at all. I’m using this same exact relevance except for this statements is different…

(not exists key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\PC-cillinNTCorp\CurrentVersion\Misc.” of native registry)

In my other task I’m not using the “not”.

(imported comment written by arnaud91)

not sure i fully understood your requirements.

Do you want a relevance which will only target machines where:

Windows XP/Vista is installed



There is no key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\PC-cillinNTCorp\CurrentVersion\Misc.”


There is a key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\PC-cillinNTCorp\CurrentVersion\Misc.” but the value “ProgramVer” is different from “10.0”


There is no file “c:\Program Files\Zone Labs\Integrity Client\iclient.exe”



If yes, here is a relevance that should work:

(name of operating system = “WinXP” OR name of operating system = “WinVista”) AND (not exists file “c:\Program Files\Zone Labs\Integrity Client\iclient.exe” OR ((not exists it) OR (exists it whose (exists value “ProgramVer” whose (it as string != “10.0”) of it))) of key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\PC-cillinNTCorp\CurrentVersion\Misc.” of native registry)

(imported comment written by jpeppers91)

So where did I go wrong in my relevance?

(imported comment written by arnaud91)

The last part (not exists file “c:\Program Files\Zone Labs\Integrity Client\iclient.exe”) was outside of the OR block.

So all computers without iclient.exe were reporting true!

When you experience a problem with a relevance statement, it is really useful to use the “Indent Relevance” in the relevance debugger. That will give you a “graphical” view of your relevance blocks.

That’s how i saw that the test around the iclient.exe existence was outside of the OR block.

(imported comment written by jpeppers91)

Thanks for your help. I guess I need to use a newer version of relvance debugger.

(imported comment written by arnaud91)

The latest version of the Relevance Debugger is available at:

You can also have a look at our Fixlet Debugger (it also includes the Relevance Debugger) but keep in mind this is an alpha version so there are some limitations.

(imported comment written by jpeppers91)

It included all the workstations that have Trend version 10. How do I exclude those?

(imported comment written by arnaud91)

Are you sure the ProgramVer value to check for is 10.0? Shouldn’t it be 1.0?

(imported comment written by jpeppers91)

We’re migrating our Trend clients from version 8.0 to version 10.0. I’m postiive it is version 10.0.

(imported comment written by arnaud91)

Can you make sure of this?

I ask this because the BigFix/TrendMicro module is installed on my machine, and the “ProgramVer” value is 1.0. But maybe you are not using this module.

Another reason could be that the path to the iclient.exe executable is wrong.

If you have a machine with TrendMicro 10.0 installed, can you check the registry key path and value and also the path to the executable?

(imported comment written by jpeppers91)

it works. This the relevance for another task that just does the registry changes.

(name of operating system = “WinXP” OR name of operating system = “WinVista”) AND ((exists key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\PC-cillinNTCorp\CurrentVersion\Misc.” whose (exists value “ProgramVer” whose (string “10.0” != it) of it) of native registry)) and not exists file “c:\Program Files\Zone Labs\Integrity Client\iclient.exe”