Relevance Help - Installed Application data not returned

(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)

I am Relevance newbie. Try to get data using the following relevance. There are 15 records returned which include 2 records with installed application starts with “Adobe”


item 0 of it,

item 1 of it,

item 2 of it,

item 3 of it,

item 4 of it,

item 5 of it,

item 6 of it

) of


values of results (it, bes property “Department”) whose (value of it = “ITTech” ),

values of results (it, bes property “Branch”) whose (value of it = “IMB” ),

values of results (it, bes property “Division”) whose (value of it = “SSA” ),

values of results (it, bes property “Sector”) whose (value of it = “MIT” ),

name of it as string,

values of results (it, bes property “Installed Applications - Windows”)



(bes computers whose (name of it as lowercase starts with “wks1000”))

However, when adding extra filter “whose (value of it as lowercase starts with “adobe”)”. I got no record return.

… name of it as string,

values of results (it, bes property “Installed Applications - Windows”) whose (value of it as lowercase starts with “adobe”)



(bes computers whose (name of it as lowercase starts with “wks1000”))

Please help. I would like to get 2 records with 2 installed applications name start with “Adobe”, NOT all installed applications on the device.

Thank you,


(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

Try it this way:

values whose (it as lowercase contains “adobe”) of results (it, bes property “Installed Applications - Windows”)

Lee Wei

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Hi Lee,

It work perfectly.

Is there a way to split the information of “Installed Applications - Windows” into 2 separate fields : application name, version.

Thank you so much for your help.


(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

Assuming that the name/version field is item 5, you can use this statement:

(if (item 3 of it contains " |") then (preceding text of first " |" of item 3 of it) else (item 3 of it)),

(if (item 3 of it contains "| ") then (following text of first "| " of item 3 of it) else (“None”))

Note the spaces around the vertical bar to filter correctly.

Lee Wei

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Hi Lee,

I see the item 6 should be removed.

Yes, the name/version field is item 5. Would you mind to explain why it become item 3 in the IF statement?

Would you mind to give me a COMPLETE relevance. Where do I place the IF statement?

Thanks again for your help.


(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

I can’t test the statement because I don’t have the properties you have.

The relevance statement will look something like this.

( item 0 of it, item 1 of it, item 2 of it, item 3 of it, item 4 of it, (

if (item 5 of it contains 
" |") then (preceding text of first 
" |" of item 5 of it) 

else (item 5 of it)), (

if (item 5 of it contains 
"| ") then (following text of first 
"| " of item 5 of it) 

else (
"None")) ) of ( values of results (it, bes property 
"Department") whose (value of it = 
"ITTech" ), values of results (it, bes property 
"Branch") whose (value of it = 
"IMB" ), values of results (it, bes property 
"Division") whose (value of it = 
"SSA" ), values of results (it, bes property 
"Sector") whose (value of it = 
"MIT" ), name of it as string, values whose (it as lowercase contains 
"adobe") of results (it, bes property 
"Installed Applications - Windows") ) of (bes computers whose (name of it as lowercase starts with 

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

It works perfectly.

I’ve learned a lot.

Thank you so much for your help Lee.
