I found this posted on bigfix.me - gives system count of all critical updates
number of (concatenation “” of matches (regex “[a-z]”) of (values of headers “X-Fixlet-Source-Severity” of it as lowercase)) whose (it = “critical”) of relevant fixlets whose (not exists (headers “X-Fixlet-Type” of it) whose (value of it is contained by set of (“Task”;“Analysis”;“Baseline”)) and exists headers “X-Fixlet-Default-Action” of it) of sites whose (name of it is contained by set of (“Enterprise Security”;“Updates for Windows Applications”))
I’d like to filter out everything other than Security updates. I’ve made multiple attempts but haven’t been successful. This was my last failed attempt:
number of (concatenation “” of matches (regex “[a-z]”) of (values of headers “X-Fixlet-Source-Severity” of it as lowercase)) whose (it = “critical”) of relevant fixlets whose (not exists (headers “X-Fixlet-Type” of it) whose (value of it is contained by set of (“Task”;“Analysis”;“Baseline”)) and value of header “X-Fixlet-Category” of it as lowercase contains “security” and exists headers “X-Fixlet-Default-Action” of it) of sites whose (name of it is contained by set of (“Enterprise Security”;“Updates for Windows Applications”))
Hoping someone can help me out