Relevance for manufacturer of Network Adapter

Hi All,

I have created an analyses which will fetch data for manufacturer of Network Adapter. But when I’m pulling report,I’m able to see that manufacturer of Network Adater is not gathering proper data.

For Example :-1:
If System is having 5 Adapter type then its should also have 5 manufacturer .But output which I’m getting is 7 or 8 manufacturer. I’m really confused :frowning:

Code used for manufacturer of Network Adapter.

string values of selects "Manufacturer from Win32_NetworkAdapter" of wmi

Output for this code

Thanks in advance!!!

This is not really a BigFix problem, but a WMI problem. For example, on my PC using WMI Explorer you can see that some Network Adapters simply have blank values for the Adapter Type property, like you are seeing:

Based on what your goal is for the results, you will probably want to narrow down your query to only use “real” network adapters. There are various search results for that, for example this one:

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Try this:

unique values of string values of selects "Manufacturer from Win32_NetworkAdapter" of wmi
