Relevance for KB2779562 and KB2794119 on Win7 x64 (Time Zone Updates)

(imported topic written by searchlight)

Hi Folks – There is something amiss with the relevance on the fixlets for KB2779562 and KB2794119 on Win7 x64 SP1. These are the December 2012 time zone update and the Isreal and Lybia time zone update. They continued to show as relevant on all our Win7 x64 SP1 machines even after they were successfully applied and confirmed by checking on the individual machines.

I noticed that the construction of the relevance changed dramatically with the October 2012 TZ update (KB2756822). For both KB2779562 and KB2794119, I copied in the relevance from the August 2012 TZ update (KB2732052) and modified it for the correct version number of the updated tzres.dll, and that worked as expected.

(imported comment written by searchlight)

Hi Sylvia – Thanks for your response! Unfortunately the custom fixlets above are still show false positives, no change from what we had before. My own custom just used version of tzres.dll of system wow64 folder, and that produced correct results for us.

(imported comment written by sylviabeing)

Thanks for trying the custom copies. I am sorry that the version 1 copies still don’t work for you.

I have double checked the relevance and found that there are some file version boundary issue and I modified the relevance again. Can you please try the V2 custom copies to see if the new relevance works? Meanwhile, can you run the attached qna as well to check the version of file “tzupd.exe” in your system?

Do let me know the results!

Thanks in advance!

(imported comment written by sylviabeing)

Sorry, accidently deleted my previous post… :stuck_out_tongue:

(imported comment written by searchlight)

Hi Sylvia –

Thanks! Unfortunately, the V2 fixlets still show false positives. Here is the qna info taken from one of our machines that has had the patches applied:

q: value “FileVersion” of version block of file “tzupd.exe” of (folder “SERVICING\GC64” of (windows folder))

A: 6.1.7601.17514 (win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850)

T: 1.032 ms

q: version of file “tzupd.exe” of (folder “SERVICING\GC64” of (windows folder))

A: 6.1.7601.17514

T: 37.305 ms

Also, here is the info for tzres.dll:

C:\Windows\System32\tzres.dll version=6.1.7601.22198

C:\Windows\SysWOW64\tzres.dll version=6.1.7601.22198

Hope that helps.

(imported comment written by sylviabeing)

Sorry for a late reply.

I understood that the false positive is quite annoying. Please try the attached relevance checks to see if they make things better.



(imported comment written by SRT8_392)

I wrote relevance for the the KBs. I generated an analysis to determine if these two fixes were installed on my systems (see attached) - since the relevance for the fixlets said they needed to be installed when, in fact, they already were.

Can’t say I understand all the tzupd version checking since in the supplied fixlet, as far as I can tell (and according to the KBs), these patches don’t update the tzupd.exe.

Hope this helps.

Israel (2794119):

Get the TZ value


if (exists key “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones\Israel Standard Time\Dynamic DST” of registry) then (value “2023” of key “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones\Israel Standard Time\Dynamic DST” of registry as string) else “Time Zone Update - 2794119 not installed”

Relevance to see if it’s installed or not


if (exists key “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones\Israel Standard Time\Dynamic DST” of registry) AND (value “2023” of key “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones\Israel Standard Time\Dynamic DST” of registry as string = “88ffffff00000000c4ffffff00000a0000000200020000000000000000000300050004000200000000000000”) then “Time Zone Update - 2779562 installed” else “Time Zone Update - 2794119 not installed”

Fiji (KB2779562)

Get the TZ value


if (exists key “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones\Fiji Standard Time\Dynamic DST” of registry) then (value “2014” of key “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones\Fiji Standard Time\Dynamic DST” of registry as string) else “Time Zone Update - 2779562 not installed”

Relevance to see if it’s installed or not


if (exists key “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones\Israel Standard Time\Dynamic DST” of registry) AND (value “2023” of key “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones\Israel Standard Time\Dynamic DST” of registry as string = “88ffffff00000000c4ffffff00000a0000000200020000000000000000000300050004000200000000000000”) then “Time Zone Update - 2779562 installed” else “Time Zone Update - 2779562 not installed”

(imported comment written by sylviabeing)

There was a overlap in the file version range for different branches. Please try the version 2 relevance to see if it can help.