Relevance for BigFix Client first Report Time and Boot Time Session Relevance


I am new to bigfix and need help to identify list of server whose first checkin time is less then 30 min.
Anyone please help with relevance syntax to achieve this task.

I am trying to execute below Relevance in WebReport QNA but getting error, Please suggest…


I’ve merged these 2 topics as I believe they are related.

Could you provide a bit more details on what it is you would like to do or achieve? Are you looking to return a list of servers with an uptime less than 30 minutes, or something else?

(note that the reason you ran in to an error above is that you have tried to evaluate ‘client relevance’ on Web Reports which is expecting ‘session relevance’. Please see as a general guide/reference, but we can certainly provide more examples and context when we know a bit better what it is you are looking to achieve).

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Need expert advise on below :-
Identify list of server whose first checkin time is less then 30 min.Anyone please help with relevance syntax to achieve this task.

Yes, I am looking to return the list of server which have checkin for the first time within 30 min…

It is still unfortunately not clear to me what ‘check for the first time’ means, but assuming it means when the BigFix Agent last reported/checked-in to BigFix, here is a sample session relevance that will return all Servers that reported in within the last 30 minutes:

names of bes computers whose (device type of it = "Server" AND last report time of it > (now - 30 * minute))

Session Relevance can be used in a few different ways including via Web Reports’ QNA page as you have above, via Presentation Debugger, Excel Connector, SOAP API, REST API, or custom Web Reports.

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Sorry for the confusing statement, Below are the requirement ;-

→ shows the dates when clients first connected to the server i.e “First Report Time”
I got the soln from IBM Documentation.

→ I did not got much help from the session Relevance doc, Can you provide the syntax which can be use in WebReport QNA

Ah, I see. It’s a common misconception, you are mixing Client Relevance with Session Relevance. Client Relevance, which is much more common, evaluates…on the client. In Fixlets, Tasks, Analyses, Global Properties, etc., Client Relevance is running on the BigFix Client and has access to the operating system, hardware, etc.

Session Relevance, running from Web Reports, the Web Reports QNA page, REST API, Console Debugger, or Console Dashboards, use the same language constructs but don’t have access to any real device - it can only report on the data that has been previously rolled up from a client. Session Relevance is where we can reference objects like ‘bes fixlets’, ‘bes computers’, and ‘bes properties’.

What you would need, then, is to first create properties in an Analysis (or Global Properties) that the clients can report up to the server; and then you can use Session Relevance to correlate results across your deployment.

For instance, you could create an Analysis in your Master Action Site named “Client Timings”. Add two properties to it -
“First Registration Time” - with relevance of
minimum of subscribe times of sites

“OS Boot Time” - with relevance of
boot time of operating system

Then, in your REST API query, Web Reports dashboard, etc. you could report these directly via the “Explore -> Computers” page and add these Columns, or filter with a Session Relevance query like

(names of computers of it, values of it) of results of bes properties whose (name of it = "OS Boot Time)

If you want to retrieve multiple property results in one query, there are some ways to craft the query that make a huge difference in performance, so I’d suggest reading Efficient Session Relevance Query for Computer Properties especially if you want to retrieve both the First Registration Time and the OS Boot Time in a single report.