Relevance expression for plist file on Mac OS X 10.6.7

(imported topic written by rzm10291)


I’m attempting to create a relevance that looks at the value of a key in a plist on OS X (10.6.7).

The plist is very basic with just a key and a entry:



Using the QnA tool, I can read the plist using:

Q: string “radmind_cert” of dictionary of file “/Library/Preference/com.example.hardware.plist”

A: FallPrototype

What I want is a task that checks that string for the appropriate key.

I’ve been trying a lot of combinations, but can’t seem to figure it out.

Q: exists string “FallPrototype” of dictionary “radmind_cert” of dictionary of file “/Library/Preference/com.example.hardware.plist”

E: Singular expression referes to nonexistent object.

Q: exists values of entries whose (key of it is “FallPrototype”) of dictionary “radmind_cert” of dictionaries of file “/Library/Preference/com.example.hardware.plist”

E: Singular expression referes to nonexistent object.

Q: exists dictionary “FallPrototype” of dictionary “radmind_cert” of preference “/Library/Preference/com.example.hardware.plist”

E: Singular expression referes to nonexistent object.

Q: (exists string “radmind_cert”) whose (it as is “FallPrototype”) of dictionary of it) of file “/Library/Preference/com.example.hardware.plist”

E: This expression could not be parsed.

Can anyone help suggest the appropriate relevance?

Thanks, Rusty

(imported comment written by rzm10291)

OK, thanks to our resident relevance expert Boyd, this is working:

exists string “radmind_cert” whose (it as string = “FallPrototype”) of dictionaries of files “/Library/Preferences/com.example.hardware.plist”

Thanks Boyd!