(imported topic written by jwm91)
I am trying to create a fixlet that will only be relevant on a Dell Optiplex 755 system. Any idea how this can be done?
(imported topic written by jwm91)
I am trying to create a fixlet that will only be relevant on a Dell Optiplex 755 system. Any idea how this can be done?
(imported comment written by MattBoyd)
This should get it done:
if (exists wmi) then ((string value of selects "Model from Win32_ComputerSystem" of wmi) as trimmed string as lowercase = "optiplex 755") else (false)
(imported comment written by jwm91)
Thanks for the reply, I will try it
(imported comment written by jwm91)
This is my relevance statement:
((name of it = “WinXP”) of operating system) and if (exists wmi) then ((string value of selects “Model from Win32_ComputerSystem” of wmi) as trimmed string as lowercase = “optiplex 755”) else (false)
It is still picking up other models besides the 755’s
(imported comment written by MrFixit)
Added a set of () around relevance after the “AND”. I generally do this as a general practice to ensure the evaluation is as I expect.
q: ((name of it = “WinXP”) of operating system) and if (exists wmi) then ((string value of selects “Model from Win32_ComputerSystem” of wmi) as trimmed string as lowercase = “optiplex 755”) else (false)
E: This expression could not be parsed.
q: ((name of it = “WinXP”) of operating system) and (if (exists wmi) then ((string value of selects “Model from Win32_ComputerSystem” of wmi) as trimmed string as lowercase = “optiplex 755”) else (false))
A: False
T: 0.106 ms
I: singular boolean
(imported comment written by jwm91)
I have the relevance working for the 755 part of it but I can’t seem to get the part of keying on a certain version of a DLL. Here is the relevance statement:
((name of it = “WinXP”) of operating system) and (if (exists wmi) then ((string value of selects “Model from Win32_ComputerSystem” of wmi) as trimmed string as lowercase = “optiplex 755”) else (false)) AND ((value “ProductVersion” of version block of file “C:\Windows\system32\ati2cqag.dll”) < ")
Any suggestions would be appreciated
(imported comment written by BenKus)
I think you want to add “as string as version” after the filename:
((name of it = “WinXP”) of operating system) and (if (exists wmi) then ((string value of selects “Model from Win32_ComputerSystem” of wmi) as trimmed string as lowercase = “optiplex 755”) else (false)) AND ((value “ProductVersion” of version block of file “C:\Windows\system32\ati2cqag.dll” as string as version) < ")
(imported comment written by BenKus)
FYI… be careful with the trimmed string inspector in BigFix 7.x:
This will probably work better:
((name of it = “WinXP”) of operating system) and (if (exists wmi) then ((string value of selects “Model from Win32_ComputerSystem” of wmi) as lowercase contains “optiplex 755”) else (false)) AND ((value “ProductVersion” of version block of file “C:\Windows\system32\ati2cqag.dll” as string as version) < ")