Relevance - action status report group membership

Update: i think i got figured out based on a previous post that mr. Jason Walker helped me with.

I’m trying to modify the below relevance query to add an additional column “Group”. I was able to add it however it changes the behaviour. Without group i can use “actions whose name of it as lowercase contains xxxx”. When i add the modifications to include group i get error “Singular expression refers to non-unique object” unless i have the action name exactly as it is shown in the console. I need help figuring out how to add the Group column and report on multiple actions with similar names (ie. customer1 - rhel, customer1 - win, etc)

(html "<table id=resultsTable class=sortable>" & html ("<th>Action Name</th><th>Computer Name</th><th>Group</th><th>OS</th><th>Status</th><th>Last Report Time</th>") & (it) & html "</table>")

of concatenations of trs of (
td of (item 0 of it) & 
td of (item 1 of it) & 
td of (item 2 of it) & 
td of (item 3 of it) & 
td of (item 4 of it) & 
td of (item 5 of it))

of (name of action of it | "n/a",name of computer of it | "n/a", name of bes concatenation ";" of name of bes computer group of computer of it | "n/a", operating system of computer of it | "n/a",detailed statuses of it,last report time of computer of it as string | "n/a") of results of bes actions whose ((name of it as lowercase contains "customer1 - ") and state of it is contained by "Open|Expired")

Ah, ok. If a computer belongs to more than one group, or to zero groups, we would get an error on ‘name of bes computer group of computer of it’. We’d need to use the plural ‘names of bes computer groups of computer of it’ to handle zero or plural results.

There’s also probably a copy/paste type there…try this one

(html "<table id=resultsTable class=sortable>" & html ("<th>Action Name</th><th>Computer Name</th><th>Group</th><th>OS</th><th>Status</th><th>Last Report Time</th>") & (it) & html "</table>")

of concatenations of trs of (
td of (item 0 of it) & 
td of (item 1 of it) & 
td of (item 2 of it) & 
td of (item 3 of it) & 
td of (item 4 of it) & 
td of (item 5 of it))

of (name of action of it | "n/a",name of computer of it | "n/a", concatenation ";" of names of bes computer groups of computer of it | "n/a", operating system of computer of it | "n/a",detailed statuses of it,last report time of computer of it as string | "n/a") of results of bes actions whose ((name of it as lowercase contains "customer1 - ") and state of it is contained by "Open|Expired")
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