Release list?

(imported topic written by Fredrik23)


I was sitting and going thru my outstanding fixlets, when i notice that there is two new fixlets.

BESClientUI is Not Running (Source Release Date 2008-11-24)

BES Client Setting: Fix Service Recovery Actions (Source Release Date 2008-11-20)

My question: is there a place/site where you can se information regarding new fixlet releases and updates?

I get the BESAdmin-Announcements mail, but there is no info about these two fixlets.

And Is there some more info about the fixlet why have it been created and released?

Take fore example the fix recovery action, should i release this even if this is not a issue?

Best Regards // Fredrik

(imported comment written by BenKus)


You can subscribe to “BigFix Announcements”:

Usually the Fixlet should describe the issue and give you more information where necessary. In this case of the “service recovery action”, we released this when we noticed that sometimes the MSI installer would not properly set the agent to restart if it was stopped unexpectedly. This Fixlet adds this setting if it doesn’t exist.


(imported comment written by Fredrik23)

So to be clear, you have two mailing list that is intersting for a windows deployment admin.

The Besadmin-announcements that gives you the updated fixlets of Microsoft, and bigfix updates

And the BigFix-Announcements that gives you the bigfix new fixlets? such as “BESClientUI is Not Running (Source Release Date 2008-11-24)”

Is that correct?

And the second question:

And Is there some more info about the fixlets, why have it been created and released?

Take fore example the fix recovery action, should i release this even if this is not a issue?

// Fredrik

(imported comment written by BenKus)


Yes. You can choose to subscribe to both of them if you want the updates.

For the second question: The Fixlets are designed to be self-documenting. We can update the description if the Fixlets are missing useful information, but we don’t maintain a separate documentation system for a Fixlet.
