Relays continue to show custom sites that were removed

I have followed steps found online here in forums where you have to stop besrelay and besclient services, remove certain files/folders from besrelay and besdata folder from besclient but after awhile I still see 2 custom sites show up in bfemapfile.xml. Relay logs also have either “class NotASignedMessage” or “GetExpectedVersionOfParent Error: Parent response did not contain a site version” messages. These show up at any of the relays. The cleanups steps performed have been done at site level relays.

Relays do not always show up in the HealthCheck\Gather Status link. I created a property that checks bfemapfile and can see these 2 old custom sites. Currently on across all BigFix components and agents.

Steps I have tried:
relay gatherlogs
clean out and reset

I also found that at the Root server, bfemapfile has a list of older custom sites that were cleared from Console plus the 2 sites that still keep on showing up in top and site level relays.

Any suggestions?

Thx in advance

I’d recommend cleaning up the deprecated sites on your root BES server first, then TL relays and then iterate through remaining relays.

Thx cmcannady for your response. I am just a little hesitant to remove both files from root inbox folder. If I clear them out, where does BigFix know where to retrieve the correct sites to populate these files with? I know the sites/custom sites view in Console shows the correct list of sites but where are those stored and will it pull from that source?

wwwrootbes has 2 bfsites folders, do you know which one to purge? Is there any documentation on how to proceed?
