Relay not appearing in primary/secondary relay list

Hi All,

I am facing an issue in redirecting my agents to select their appropriate relay.
I have created a relay which is reporting fine in BigFix console, I can validate with ‘BES Relay Installed Status’ it shows Yes - Running.
But when I try to reassign agents by clicking ‘edit computers’, it shows only BigFix Server. I cannot see newly created relays in that list.
Few information regarding my environment:
All the agents and relays are at the same version 9.5.8
port 52311 is open from client and relay side.
relay selection method is manual for all the agents.

Any idea about this? :frowning:
Thanks in advance!

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Hi @jgstew, @JasonWalker, @bfadmin @Aram. Any suggestion?

If you are certain the Relay is online and reporting in you can create a Task to change the Relay manually and test it one one of the target systems. The actionscript of the task should read:

setting "__RelaySelect_Automatic"="0" on "{now}" for client

setting "__RelayServer1"="http://<RELAYSERVER1>:52311/bfmirror/downloads/" on "{now}" for client

setting "__RelayServer2"="http://<RELAYSERVER2>:52311/bfmirror/downloads/" on "{now}" for client

Should be because an issue with the DNS in Your network does don’t permit to resolve the DNS name of the problematic BigFix Relays …

This can be confirmed overriding the name of a problematic relay using the client setting _BESClient_Relay_NameOverride!/wiki/Tivoli%20Endpoint%20Manager/page/Configuration%20Settings/version/d97ddf9f-7bcf-43d3-bbe6-8ab76792476d

The client setting can be managed using the task with ID 155 “BES Relay Setting: Name Override” of “BES Support” site

If the problem appears fixed and is not possible configure the DNS accordingly, this setting could be used as definitive fix.

If despite this setting the problem continue to be in place instead, please proceed opening a case and involve the support team.

Hi gpoliafico,

Yes we have raised a PMR and team is working on this. I will post the final resolution once they fix the issue.

From PMR, setting the _BESClient_Relay_NameOverride parameter to the Relay’s IP address solved the issue.

Hi @EmilianoN,
Thanks for the update.