Relay error messages?

I noticed reviewing the relay event log that i started getting a few messages after the last update 10.0.9 to 10.0.10 on my windows relay

Unable to find ( or problems occurred ) with site id for URL: - from
76: class NotASignedMessage - from

For about 5 IP addresses, out of my 1,200 client environment

When i looked up HCL site it says related to encryption keys or cert and talk about rotating keys, etc.

  • but it doesnt make sense for just a few systems

any suggestions? other than open support case which will likely happen on MOnday.

Can you provide the exact lines from the log?
Does those errors occur on specific Relay log? Or on specific Clients?

I wouldn’t start rotating keys just yet. This is an Operator Site, I think the first thing to do is to check whether the operator still exists. A fairly common issue is for one or more clients to fail to unsubscribe from an operator that has been deleted - they keep trying to gather an opsite that no longer exists.
I’m away from computers now, but should be able to help later this weekend or early next week with some session relevance to check whether the site is even still valid.

In shorts it’s an annoying error message but usually can safely be ignored, especially for an opsite