Hello guys,
Im attempting to setup relay affiliation in our environment as we are looking to take advantage of the DMZ stuff.
Ive followed the articles related to this on HCL website and from what I can tell it all looks ok to me but when I do a Relay Select
command on my test device it always goes to the Failover relay. Ive tried a couple of endpoints and they all go to the failover instead of doing their SeekList. Or perhaps they are doing their seeklist but not finding the Relay group.
On my relay i have this setting
On my client I have this client setting
Ive reboot and done everything to both relay and client that i know of. It still seems to go to the failover relay.
The log from the client when the relay select
action starts.
At 21:53:30 -0400 -
Beginning Relay Select
At 21:53:36 -0400 -
RegisterOnce: Attempting secure registration with 'https://vma<failoverRelayNameHere>z01:52311/cgi-bin/bfenterprise/clientregister.exe?RequestType=RegisterMe60&ClientVersion='
Unrestricted mode
Configuring listener without wake-on-lan
Registered with url 'https://vma<FailOver>mz01:52311/cgi-bin/bfenterprise/clientregister.exe?RequestType=RegisterMe60&ClientVersion='
Registration Server version , Relay version
Relay does not require authentication.
Client has an AuthenticationCertificate
Relay selected: vm<FailOVerRelayNameHere>z01. at: on: IPV4 (Using setting IPV4ThenIPV6)
At 21:53:37 -0400 -
[ThreadTime:21:53:37] ShutdownListener
[ThreadTime:21:53:37] SetupListener success: IPV4/6
At 22:15:19 -0400 -
Report posted successfully
The instructions seemed pretty straight forward. Where else could I troubleshoot this issue from?
If i let the clients select Automatically
Before setting up the affiliation group the clients chose the closest relay correctly from hops. But after trying to set up the Affiliation group on a test group they all point to the failover relay.