What are we doing wrong? (we would like to learn from this…)
We made, uploaded and pushed out a relay affiliation csv file (through the Policy - Relay Affiliation Seeklist and UNCPath fixlet) and it worked perfectly for the first batch we did (about 6 of our locations) but doesn’t work as well with the rest of our locations, when we pushed it out the second time around. The first time we pushed that file we got three settings (_BESClient_Register_Affiliation_Seeklist, BESClient_RelaySelect_FailoverRelay & Location By Subnet) to populate automatically with the information provided in the file.
We have tried emulating what we did in the first place and pushing the file out to different locations one at a time (as a test) and still can’t get it to work. I will include an example on how we are configuring the file:
Subnet Address,Friendly Name,Seeklist,Relay Affiliation List
We have tested different theories, looked at blog posts and even your Youtube channel (IBM Security).
We would like to see if we’re missing a step or if the file is not configured correctly, so we can get our relays affiliated automatically.
Please find below the relevance, action script and success criteria performed by this fixlet.
Let me know if you require further information, thanks!
((not exists operating system whose(name of it starts with “Win2”)) AND (version of client >= “9.2”)) AND (not exists relay service)
Action Script:
// Set the Client Affilication Setting based on Subnet
parameter “SeekList”="{(tuple string item 2 of (concatenation “, " of (substrings separated by “,” of (lines of file “SubLocation.txt” of (client folder of site whose (Name of it = “actionsite”))) whose (it as string starts with (registration subnet address of client as string)))))}”
//if { value of setting “_BESClient_ComputerType” of client as string = “Laptop”} then
If {if exist setting “_BESClient_ComputerType” of client then value of setting “_BESClient_ComputerType” of client as string = “Laptop” else False}
setting “_BESClient_Register_Affiliation_SeekList”="{parameter “SeekList”}" on “{now}” for client
setting “_BESClient_Comm_CommandPollEnable”=“1” on “{now}” for client
setting “_BESClient_Register_Affiliation_SeekList”="{parameter “SeekList”}" on “{now}” for client
setting “_BESClient_Comm_CommandPollIntervalSeconds”=“300” on “{now}” for client
setting “__RelaySelect_Automatic”=“1” on “{now}” for client
// Set the Client Location Setting based on Subnet
setting “Location By Subnet”="{(tuple string item 0 of (concatenation “, " of (substrings separated by “,” of (lines of file “SubLocation.txt” of (client folder of site whose (Name of it = “actionsite”))) whose (it as string starts with (registration subnet address of client as string)))))}” on “{now}” for client
//setting “OU”="{(tuple string item 3 of (concatenation “, " of (substrings separated by “,” of (lines of file “SubLocation.txt” of (client folder of site whose (Name of it = “actionsite”))) whose (it as string starts with (registration subnet address of client as string)))))}” on “{now}” for client
parameter “FailoverRelayList”="{(tuple string item 3 of (concatenation ", " of (substrings separated by “,” of (lines of file “SubLocation.txt” of (client folder of site whose (Name of it = “actionsite”))) whose (it as string starts with (registration subnet address of client as string)))))}“
setting “_BESClient_RelaySelect_FailoverRelay”={parameter “FailoverRelayList”} on “{now}” for client
//parameter “UNCPATH”=”{(tuple string item 4 of (concatenation “, " of (substrings separated by “,” of (lines of file “SubLocation.txt” of (client folder of site whose (Name of it = “actionsite”))) whose (it as string starts with (registration subnet address of client as string)))))}”
//setting “_UNCPATH”={parameter “UNCPATH”} on “{now}” for client
relay select
Success Criteria:
not exists setting “_BESClient_Register_Affiliation_SeekList” of client[Less]