Hello, @JasonWalker! I am doing exactly this in the following statement:
continue if {exists matches(regex("(\w{8}}-\w{4}}-\w{4}}-\w{4}}-\w{12}})")) of parameter "groupcode" of action}
and it seems to be working fine on Windows devices but is failing on macOS devices (running Client v10.0.1.41). Any idea as to why? Is there a way I can test an Action Script on macOS like I can in the Windows Fixlet Debugger?
It may be differences in the Regex libraries between Windows. I’ve found that some AIX and Linux distros don’t support matching \w for word, for example. There was a longer discussion here in the forum, I’ll try to find it, but it boils down to the safest methods are to use only POSIX expressions like [:[space]:]
instead of \s
I don’t know a good way to test ActionScript on Mac other than running the action, but you can test the Relevance remotely. You can use the BigFix Query app in WebUI, or in the Fixlet Debugger you can now Evaluate Using - Remote Query to remotely target your Mac to test the relevance.
Check Digit \d matching in regex for some regex details
Well, I can also test the relevance itself with the QnA command line tool on macOS, but I wanted to make sure it wasn’t an issue with the substitution braces, which is just in ActionScript.
That’s it… the relevance matches ( regex ("(\w{3}-\w{3})")) of "123-456"
works fine on Windows but not on macOS. Thanks again!