let me give you the full scenario, maybe i’m wrong with my approach.
i have an application to install, which is an exe files with some switches such as /d /quiet /key:xxx and so on.
i iave 1 exe for workstations and 1 for servers
so in order to detect if the program is installed, i’ve selected registry for query
so i need bigfix to :
query workstations/servers (1 “job” for each type) that doesn’t have a certain registry key
will not automate the install but let me install manually by bigfix
so let’s say that bigfix found 100 workstations that doesn’t have this registry key. i need to be able to push the app to them, by manually select them from the list and take action
@liorme, I would likely create a single fixlet with multiple actions, but having two distinct fixlets would allow for use of the following relevance to delineate between workstations:
((select (“ProductType from Win32_OperatingSystem”) of WMI) as string contains “1”)
and servers:
((select (“ProductType from Win32_OperatingSystem”) of WMI) as string contains “2”) OR ((select (“ProductType from Win32_OperatingSystem”) of WMI) as string contains “3”)
I would utilize prefetch items and action parameter query in order to download the required binaries and to populate the registration key and any other options for the install process.
Ahh, so you want the property to show both True and False results, but you are getting a lot more True than expected?
I believe you may be having a problem with 32-bit redirection. For legacy support reasons, the ‘registry’ inspector defaults to 32-bit registry hives - so instead of checking HKLM\Software, it’s actually checking HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node. Try the 'native registry’s inspector instead -
not exists key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\key name" of native registry
Further, rather than creating Analysis properties, the common case would be to add this to your Fixlet/Task Relevance - so only computers missing the key will show up as Relevant for the task.