Registry - Append to existing string value

Hi - need help with the best approach to append to an existing string value if possible with regset.
if i had a key with value “hello”, I need edit that string value with a comma + string, for example "hello,goodbye"
The value could have any string so the logic would be append to any string with comma new string.
Make sense ?

Just use Relevance to build the phrase you want to store, as a Parameter first

parameter "newvalue" = "{value "MyVal" of key "HKLM\SomeKey" of Registry & ",goodbye"}"

then use the Parameter as part of your RegSet command.

regset "[HKLM\SomeKey]" "MyVal"="{parameter "newvalue"}"

awesome thank you very much

If what I posted doesn’t work for you, let me know, my console is currently loading so I can’t test the statements. :slight_smile:

I’m getting Relevance substitution failed. Note I am escaping a curly brace.

Command failed (Relevance substitution failed) parameter “newvalue” = “{value “GroupingTags” of key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CrowdStrike{{9b03c1d9-3138-44ed-9fae-d9f4c034b88d}{{16e0423f-7058-48c9-a204-725362b67639}\Default” of Registry & “,Desktop_NEWVALUE”}” (action:150164)

Here’s the action

parameter “newvalue” = “{value “GroupingTags” of key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CrowdStrike{{9b03c1d9-3138-44ed-9fae-d9f4c034b88d}{{16e0423f-7058-48c9-a204-725362b67639}\Default” of Registry & “,Desktop_NEWVALUE”}”

regset “[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CrowdStrike{{9b03c1d9-3138-44ed-9fae-d9f4c034b88d}{{16e0423f-7058-48c9-a204-725362b67639}\Default]” “GroupingTags”="{parameter “newvalue”}"

Don’t escape the curly braces They tell the Client to evaluate the contents as Relevance and replace it with the VALUE of the Relevance.

NEVERMIND. I Just looked at your statements.

What happens if you evaluate the clauses in QnA?

I do notice that the “\” characters appear to be missing. (Sorry, that was the Forum software removing them)
Let me do some checking and I’ll get back to you.

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Are your Quotes correct? There seems to be a mix of ASCII quotes and Word Processor Quotes in your example above.

All checked.

parameter “newvalue” = “{value “GroupingTags” of key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CrowdStrike{{9b03c1d9-3138-44ed-9fae-d9f4c034b88d}{{16e0423f-7058-48c9-a204-725362b67639}\Default” of Registry & “,Desktop_NEWVALUE”}”

regset “[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CrowdStrike{{9b03c1d9-3138-44ed-9fae-d9f4c034b88d}{{16e0423f-7058-48c9-a204-725362b67639}\Default]” “GroupingTags”="{parameter “newvalue”}"

Action Script Execution Detail
Failed parameter “newvalue” = “{value “GroupingTags” of key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CrowdStrike{{9b03c1d9-3138-44ed-9fae-d9f4c034b88d}{{16e0423f-7058-48c9-a204-725362b67639}\Default” of Registry & “,Desktop_NEWVALUE”}“
regset “[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CrowdStrike{{9b03c1d9-3138-44ed-9fae-d9f4c034b88d}{{16e0423f-7058-48c9-a204-725362b67639}\Default]” “GroupingTags”=”{parameter “newvalue”}”

What does this give you …

parameter "newvalue" = "{(value "GroupingTags" of key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CrowdStrike\{9b03c1d9-3138-44ed-9fae-d9f4c034b88d}\{16e0423f-7058-48c9-a204-725362b67639}\Default” of Registry) as String & ",Desktop_NEWVALUE"}"

I added “as string” to ensure the value returned by the Registry Value was a String to the client.

Same issue, even if I escape the curly brace.

Sorry you have the opposite escaping of what you need…standby.

This link should help

Inside a substitution you need to escape } as }} instead, to prevent the substitution from ending early.

Is this what your looking for ? parameter "newvalue"="{ values whose (name of it is "GroupingTags") of keys "HKLM\SYSTEM\CrowdStrike\{9b03c1d9-3138-44ed-9fae-d9f4c034b88d}}\{16e0423f-7058-48c9-a204-725362b67639}}\Default" of (x32 registries; x64 registries)},DesktopNewValue"

thanks @MMosley @JasonWalker @TimRice