If an endpoint in a branch location cannot find a local relay, it fails over to a head relay. When this happens I throttle the download to 2000 BPS. The problem is that action that sets the download speed is looping for some indefinite period of time. Part of the action to set the throttle is to restart the BES client.
I narrowed the issue down to the registration server relevance not working as expected. The following relevance returns true when it should return false.
name of registration server as lowercase != "XR04.COMPANY.COM:52311" as
name of registration server as lowercase
returns xr04.company.com:52311
That seems odd. I wonder if this is context issue. is the return value from the client debugger or from an analysis from the console?
It is from the query in Web UI. The console shows the correct registration server. But, the action keeps being relevant which should not be correct.
I have opened a case with support, but if there are any suggestions from the forum they would be greatly appreciated.
Hmmm in query, the context should be the local agent… so that should have worked.
No other ideas.
Since this action is restarting the BESClient I wonder whether there’s some edge case where the relevance is re-evaluating before a relay has been selected at all? I’d try guarding for ‘selected server’ not existing or being blank. Perhaps try
exists registration server whose (name of it != "" and name of it as lowercase != "XR04.COMPANY.COM:52311" as lowercase)
I am really sorry for taking your time. I had a typo. Thanks for helping.
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