Regdelete Doesn't work on a key

I created some keys awhile ago using the REGSET and REGSET64 command, but now I am trying to delete the same keys and it passes debugging but fails to actually delete. Here’s the code:

regdelete "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl]" "FEATURE_DISABLE_IE11_SECURITY_EOL_NOTIFICATION" 
regdelete64 "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl]" "FEATURE_DISABLE_IE11_SECURITY_EOL_NOTIFICATION"

As you can see I am trying to delete the FEATURE_DISABLE_IE11_SECURITY_EOL_NOTIFICATION key from the x32 and x64 registries under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl

Any reason why the debugger would report success but the keys would remain?


Can you show usage and output of the debugger please?

Usage is exactly as stated and output from debugger is:

Client Log:

STATUS: Running action…

— Result —
Evaluation completed successfully!

The view of the registry from regedit, can you refresh it and show screenshot?

The key is still present. If I may ask, what purpose would posting a screen shot of the registry provide?

I want to see what structure the registry is in starting at that level. For reproduction and simulation. Also, please advise version client installed and version of Fixlet Debugger being used.

reg delete requires a value the syntax is:

regdelete "<registry key>" "<value name>"

Where registry key is the name of the key and value name is the value in the registry key you wish to delete.

If you want to delete the whole key then i’d recommend just doing:

action uses wow64 redirection false
dos reg delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\Test" /f

I wanted to avoid the DOS command as I have both x32 and x64 systems. but I did end up using it. Thanks for providing the code;.

The debugger reports success because the actionscript ran successfully, which is all that it indicates.

This can only delete values, not keys. You must use something else to delete keys. I believe I mentioned this as a feature request many years ago to add something like regdeletekey. CC: @AlanM

The code @strawgate provided would work for both, depending on what you needed, if you do the following:

action uses wow64 redirection { not x64 of operating system }

I filed an RFE on this here:

Please vote for it.


Voted! thanks for submitting it.

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