Redirect output from a command to a text file

(imported topic written by GURVINDER-SINGH)

Need to run the command :

cctk.exe bootorder >boot.txt

Relevance which is not creating the boot.txt file on either platform:

if (exists file “c:\Program Files\Dell\CCTK\X86\cctk.exe”) then
waithidden cmd.exe /c “c:\Program Files\Dell\CCTK\X86\cctk.exe” bootorder >> boot.txt

if (exists file “C:\Program Files (x86)\Dell\CCTK\X86_64\cctk.exe”) then
waithidden cmd.exe /c “C:\Program Files (x86)\Dell\CCTK\X86_64\cctk.exe” bootorder >> boot.txt

I am having trouble with placement of " or pipe > placement in the relevance above. Tried the following combinations without luck so far.

if (exists file “c:\ProgramFiles\Dell\CCTK\X86\cctk.exe”) then
waithidden cmd.exe /c "c:\ProgramFiles\Dell\CCTK\X86\cctk.exe bootorder>boot.txt"

if (exists file “C:\Program Files (x86)\Dell\CCTK\X86_64\cctk.exe”) then
waithidden cmd.exe /c "C:\Program Files (x86)\Dell\CCTK\X86_64\cctk.exe bootorder>boot.txt"

Once created I can successfully parse it using the analysis:

Boot Device First

line 4 of file “C:\Program Files (x86)\Dell\CCTK\X86_64\boot.txt”

(imported comment written by sinucus)

The following command worked for me.

waithidden cmd.exe /c “dir *.txt” >> c:\results.txt

Try moving your quotes around the program, i.e.

waithidden cmd.exe /c "c:\ProgramFiles\Dell\CCTK\X86\cctk.exe bootorder" > "c:\ProgramFiles\Dell\CCTK\X86\boot.txt"

(imported comment written by GURVINDER-SINGH)

Thanks for the suggestion, Tried both these combinations without luck. Feel like its something simple I am missing.

waithidden cmd.exe /c "c:\Program Files\Dell\CCTK\X86\cctk.exe bootorder " > “c:\Program Files\Dell\CCTK\X86\boot6.txt”

waithidden cmd.exe /c "c:\Program Files\Dell\CCTK\X86\cctk.exe bootorder " >> “c:\Program Files\Dell\CCTK\X86\boot6.txt”

(imported comment written by sinucus)

I found a dell computer that I could try this on. It appears that the problem is not with your relevance but with the program and tivoli. The program does not like to be run from actionscript. It might be that you’ll need to try the runasuser tool. Or it might also be that the tool is opening a sub cmd.exe window and Tivoli can’t see that… Sorry

(imported comment written by HDWest)

Old post but for future reference…this command worked for me:

waithidden cmd.exe /c "ipconfig.exe" >> c:\output.txt

(imported comment written by GURVINDER-SINGH)

THANKS! That worked like a charm.