REDHAT 7 Invalid action content: the action script contains a syntax error

Hi Everyone,

I am getting Invalid action content: the action script contains a syntax error. on any RedHat 7 patches. Redhat 6 work fine. This error implies something wrong with the action script however I’m pushing IBM created content so their shouldn’t be any issues with the fixlets. Any ideas? Any advise on where i can find out what is really causing this? I have the servers registered with RedHat and the Download Plug-in is configured with the correct account. RedHat 6 patches work fine and Centos are working fine. My Root server is a RedHat 7 server.



Hi Peter,

Just recently came across the same issue on new RHEL7.x servers. These were build from a VM template installed with a minimal RHEL7 install. As it turns out, a RHEL7 minimal install does not include the bzip2 package by default. BigFix needs this to decompress the YUM files it downloads and would explain the script errors you see.

Also make sure you import the redhat-release GPG keys using RPM.



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There really need to be tasks from IBM to help do this.