Recent Update to 9.2.13 - Catalog Download Fixlet Failing

Hi All,

I recently updated BFI to v9.2.13 and noticed that the Catalog Download fixlet is failing to connect to the URL’s provided in the fixlet, with a “HTTP Error 28: Timeout was reached”. URL’s it is trying are the following:

I have checked my proxy settings and even have tried accessing the links externally (from home and via my DMZ) and still can not access the links. Curious if anyone else is seeing this? I do have a case open with support as well hoping they can help determine if the URL’s are incorrect somewhere in the address.




The IP Address is for your BigFix Inventory Server. Make sure that port 9081 is open between the BigFix Server and the BFI server.

Ah…so I should make a copy of that task and edit the action with my BFI server IP?


This action gets created automatically by the BFI server when a new catalog is uploaded. You can generate a fixlet from the BFI web UI on the Management → Upload Catalog page. Hover the mouse pointer over the question mark icon.

Save the resulting Fixlet, catalog_download.bes, so you can open it with the BigFix Console. You’ll see that the action script of this fixlet will include the BFI server’s IP address in the prefetch commands.

If the URL’s were copied correctly in your original post, then would seem to be your BFI server’s IP address. Perhaps the network is misconfigured on your BFI Server?

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Excellent. Thanks for the help! All is resolved.

Look for “SERVER_URL_CATALOG” in LMT/BFI documentation, you will find how to manually change server IP for catalog propagation purpose.


Just got that back from support as well. Taking notes, will apply this to my env. after the new year.

Thanks guys!