Reboot server with baseline action if not relevant

Hi, I want to know if i can reboot the endpoint server though baseline is not relevant. I have few set of servers which i have to reboot at the end but not all.

if i create single baseline action and add fixlet into that it may reboot all servers which i should not reboot.

Please suggest.

You should be able to perform this with an action in the baseline which was only conditional on the need.

If the action had the relevance of

pending restart

And in the body of the action you used the ActionScript


then the restart will only affect those endpoints that need it

Thanks for your reply, It’s a good option which you suggest, but i guess i am not able to explain what i am looking for

  • In Brief
  • 100 servers
  • 60 non reboot option is selected with action
  • 40 servers reboot option is selected as post action but Bigfix is rebooting only those where baseline action is relevant but not rebooting to those where baseline action shows Not relevant.
    Is there any settings which help me to reboot all servers which i really want to reboot regardless baseline action results.

Ah so you are attempting to reboot the servers no matter what if they are targeted?

If the baseline doesn’t become relevant then the post action option never is run so you would have to have something in the baseline that WAS relevant for that option to happen

ok , i think i should keep a reboot fixlet into baseline at the end so that it would reboot the server regardless the status of action.