Reboot a computer with Scheduled Task

I’m trying to have a reboot occur at a particular time after patching has been applied on a machine. I want the machines to reboot at 8:10am, after giving the users a 5 minute warning, in case they are on. If the patching completes before 8am, I’d like the reboot to happen today at 8:10am, otherwise, happen tomorrow at 8:10am

Here is the code I am trying to use to set the Scheduled task to perform the reboot:

if {two digit hour of it of time (local time zone) of now as integer < 8}
parameter “run_date” = “{(month of it as two digits & "/" & day_of_month of it as two digits & "/" & year of it as string) of current date}” 
   parameter “run_date” = “{(month of (it + 1*day) as two digits & "/" & day_of_month of (it + 1*day) as two digits & "/" & year of (it + 1*day) as string) of current date}”

   dos schtasks /create /ru system /rl highest /sc once /tn reboot_8am /tr "shutdown /r /f /t 300 /c \"Testing your computer and a 8:10am reboot has been scheduled. PLEASE SAVE ALL WORK prior to the reboot."" /sd {parameter “run_date”} /st 08:05 /F

Eventually, I might include a file that contains the time to perform the reboot, so the same action can be applied to a group of machines, and that file will be used to determine the time of reboot.

Any help would be great,


I’m not sure of the question, is some part of this not working?


Sorry, line 2 is showing as failed

Fixlet Debugger shows:

parameter add failed



That relevance seems to work for me. A couple of things I’d check -

  • Is it using the correct doublequotes? Here in the forum it’s showing as “Smart Quotes”, which can happen if you’ve copied/pasted from a Word doc for example.
  • Has the “run_date” parameter already been defined earlier in the actionscript? A parameter can only be defined once, it cannot have its value updated later in the script.


Smart Quotes was the issue!

I should know better than copying and pasting from a MS product (Outlook). I had emailed some code, and then cut and pasted from there.

What I usually do is cut and paste it into notepad, and then cut and paste it from there to get rid of that “stuff”.


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