RDP, adding a windows firewall rule

(imported topic written by discosrule91)

Does anyone know if there is a fixlet that will let me open the RDP ports on all my machines so that I can connect to them? I’m not sure how to write one, so if there isn’t one can someone email/post one to me :slight_smile:



(imported comment written by BenKus)

For which OSes? (It is different between XP and Vista+…)


(imported comment written by discosrule91)

WinXP and Win7


(imported comment written by BenKus)

Try this action and see if it works (when I run it by hand in Win7, it complains that there is a better way to do it, but it seems to work):

cmd.exe /C netsh firewall set service type = remotedesktop mode = ENABLE

Note that on Win7, it only seemed to set the “domain profile” which is the current firewall profile that I am running…


(imported comment written by discosrule91)

waithidden cmd.exe /C netsh firewall set service type = remotedesktop mode = ENABLE

That worked, thanks.

Haven’t got a win7 machine on atm to test.


(imported comment written by Macideus91)

waithidden cmd.exe /C netsh firewall set service type = remotedesktop mode = ENABLE

seems to work with XP and the reccomendation for win7

waithidden cmd.exe /C netsh advfirewall firewall set service type = remotedesktop mode = ENABLE

adding “advfirewall” seemed to be the only difference