Ram type

(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)

Hi all,

Anyone has done relevance for ram type ex. Sdram, ddr.



(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

There is already a RAM analysis within the Software Lifecycle Management suite. This does not include RAM Type though. A google search shows that you can get that out of “FormFactor” in “Win32_PhysicalMemory” of wmi

q: unique values of string values of selects “FormFactor from Win32_PhysicalMemory” of wmi

A: 12

I: plural string with multiplicity

The result will be a number. I have only done it for number 1,2,3, and 12. You will have to add the rest:

q: ((if (item 2 of it = item 0 of it) then (item 1 of it) else (nothing)) of (“0”,“Unknown”,it;“1”,“Other”,it;“2”,“DRAM”,it;“3”,“Synch DRAM”,it;“12”,“EEPROM”,it)) of (unique values of string values of selects “FormFactor from Win32_PhysicalMemory” of wmi)


I: plural string

Here is the site with the reference:


It will go in the underlined section. And it has to be in the following format:


OK… So after writing all that explanation I realized I could just create it quicker so here you go. It will require that it is Windows, WMI Works and FormFactor is populated. If not it will error out.

q: ((if (item 2 of it = item 0 of it) then (item 1 of it) else (nothing)) of (“0”,“Unknown”,it;“1”,“Other”,it;“2”,“DRAM”,it;“3”,“Synch DRAM”,it;“4”,“Cache DRAM”,it;“5”,“EDO”,it;“6”,“EDRAM”,it;“7”,“VRAM”,it;“8”,“SRAM”,it;“9”,“RAM”,it;“10”,“ROM”,it;“11”,“Flash”,it;“12”,“EEPROM”,it;“13”,“FEPROM”,it;“14”,“EPROM”,it;“15”,“CDRAM”,it;“16”,“3DRAM”,it;“17”,“SDRAM”,it;“18”,“SGRAM”,it;“19”,“RDRAM”,it;“20”,“DDR”,it;“21”,“DDR-2”,it)) of (unique values of string values of selects “FormFactor from Win32_PhysicalMemory” of wmi)


I: plural string